Hapstar Proudly Launches Platform for Mental Health Support Amidst Rising Unemployment Challenges
The Hapstar team is proud to announce a vital initiative addressing the profound impact of unemployment on mental well-being, an issue that comes at a staggering societal cost exceeding £100 billion in England alone.
Through strategic collaborations with government-funded employability and welfare to work companies, Hapstar’s innovative platform will now extend personalised, preventative mental health support to thousands grappling with unemployment.
The platform enables
# early detection of well-being challenges,
# through real-time data analysis,
# facilitating immediate and tailored assistance, be it financial counselling, physical health coaching, mental health support or career guidance.
Eliminating lengthy triage interviews, Hapstar saves 1000s of hours for advisors. Of more importance, people are able to access ‘in the moment support’ when it matters most, rather than having to wait for scheduled appointments.
The COVID-19 pandemic and soaring living costs have amplified mental health concerns. Just as important as the support for unemployed, early detection for people in work is paramount, given poor mental health can often lead to unemployment.
With unemployment being a precursor to reduced quality of life, particularly for those over 50, policies and funding need to prioritise early mental health detection in the workplace and improve tailored support for the unemployed.
For more details on detecting early warning signs using Hapstar’s proactive mental health tools, talk to us about joining our community committed to enhancing mental health and well-being.
Contact us at hello@hapstar.app