Hapstar Wellbeing

Everything you need to underpin wellbeing, all in a single system

Minimise the impact of poor mental wellbeing and gain visibility of what really matters to your people with the customisable Hapstar platform 

Mental health diagnostics

How is Sally in accounts?

She may seem ok, yet under the surface work/life balance issues and sleep problems are growing. Make sure Sally has the tools and personalised plan to get back on track.

Instant wellbeing support

Connect with your resources or ours

  • Early warning system Identify early signs of mental health challenges & set thresholds for support
  • Connect with virtual coaching Direct to specialist mental health coaches or to your own EAP / resources
  • View 'speak up' comments View anonymous comments to understand what really matters to your people
preventative wellbeing

Customise your actions

  • Personalised learning plans Use our videos, activities & plans or add in your own
  • Trauma incident management Optional system for active monitoring post traumatic event
  • Track progress Watch scores move as your people complete their actions with your custom reports

"The 'Time for Me' platform
powered by Hapstar enables us
to provide essential mental
health support for our 6,000+ staff"

"We're excited to work with Hapstar
to help measure, track and improve
overall happiness and wellbeing"

"Hapstar compliments our holistic
approach to staff wellbeing and enables
us to gain a lens into how people feel"

"Hapstar underscores our
commitment to making a workplace where
all our colleague's voices are heard"

"Hapstar changes the game,
delivering a data-led approach to wellbeing"

"Hapstar has been transformative for
us here at Spencer Group. ​
Having a clear understanding of staff
needs means we can support them more effectively."