Hapstar Wellbeing

Tackling mental wellbeing issues across Trusts, Emergency & Public Services

There are some jobs and organisations where mental wellbeing is challenged on a regular basis. From trauma management to warning systems to wellbeing passports, we understand the challenges and work cost effectively to solve specific needs.

Mental health diagnostics

Daily stresses taking their toll?

Give your front-line staff the tools and instant support to start managing their mental wellbeing.

Instant wellbeing support

Connect with your resources or ours

  • Early warning system Identify early signs of mental health challenges & set thresholds for support
  • Connect with virtual coaching Direct to specialist mental health coaches or to your own EAP / resources
  • View 'speak up' comments View anonymous comments to understand what really matters to your people
preventative wellbeing

Customise your actions

  • Personalised learning plans Use our videos, activities & plans or add in your own
  • Trauma incident management Optional system for active monitoring post traumatic event
  • Track progress Watch scores move as your people complete their actions with your custom reports

"The 'Time for Me' platform
powered by Hapstar enables us
to provide essential mental
health support for our 6,000+ staff"

"Hapstar is helping to reduce the
number of people falling into a
negative state of mental health"

"This wonderful app places control
in the hands of the individual"