Hapstar Wellbeing Platform
Enhancing student & staff mental wellbeing within academic institutions
We understand the stresses that academic pressure, social challenges, financial concerns and transition difficulties can cause ... with Hapstar you can rest assured you have a preventative approach to poor mental wellbeing
your platform for mental wellbeing
Your wellbeing platform
Yes, we have all the tools and content, the magic here is in working together to create your version of our platform
- Wellbeing diagnostics
- Auto personal wellbeing plans
- Connect with instant support
- Gain data like never before
- Cost effective & fully supported
- Secure, UK hosted, compliant

Instant wellbeing support
Connect with your resources or ours
Early warning system Identify early signs of mental health challenges & set thresholds for support
Connect with virtual coaching Direct to our specialist wellbeing coaches or to your own advisors / support resources
View 'speak up' comments View anonymous comments to understand what really matters to your students and staff

preventative wellbeing
Integrate with your systems
Seamless user registration Access via your existing digital platform or directly, using SSO, API or self-registration
View usage data in your system API to push participant scores and actions to your CRM or data warehouse
Build your processes in Work with us to digitise your existing processes and build out your service offer

"The 'Time for Me' platform
powered by Hapstar enables us
to provide essential mental
health support for our 6,000+ staff"

"Hapstar enhances our support to Work and Health Programme Pioneer participants"

"The 'Time for Me' platform
powered by Hapstar enables us
to provide essential mental
health support for our 6,000+ staff"

"Hapstar is helping to reduce the
number of people falling into a
negative state of mental health"
"We're excited to work with Hapstar
to help measure, track and improve
overall happiness and wellbeing"