ESB Wellbeing Platform

Being safe and looking out for each other’s wellbeing is at the core of how we work every day at ESB. Let's build sustainable habits together.

Early stage mental wellbeing problems need targeted interventions to prevent challenges from developing into crises ... login to the ESB Wellbeing Platform to get started.

your platform for mental wellbeing

Track your wellbeing & work on your plan

Understand exactly why you feel how you do, work through your personalised plan and access instant therapy

Instant wellbeing support

In-the-moment support

  • Early warning system Identify signs of wellbeing challenges & get connected to helplines and external support
  • Connect with virtual coaching Talk to therapists, counsellors and coaches online
  • Speak Up Submit anonymous comments so we can listen and respond
preventative wellbeing

Your wellbeing tool

  • Trauma incident management Log incidents and work through the trauma process to gain instant help or watchful waiting
  • Personalised wellbeing plan Auto-create your action plan packed with tools, eLearning and activities to improve how you feel
  • Identify your weekly trends Start to understand your triggers for positive and negative days across 5 pillars of wellbeing

"We're excited to work with Hapstar
to help measure, track and improve
overall happiness and wellbeing"

"The 'Time for Me' platform
powered by Hapstar enables us
to provide essential mental
health support for our 6,000+ staff"

"Hapstar compliments our existing approach to staff wellbeing and enables us to gain a lens into how people really feel"

"The 'Time for Me' platform
powered by Hapstar enables us
to provide essential mental
health support for our 6,000+ staff"

"Hapstar is helping to reduce the
number of people falling into a
negative state of mental health"